Friday, 9 October 2009

My first blog.

Welcome to my first blog.

Care and share is about the people we care for; how we care for them and the information we can share to help each other. By sharing information we can join together in improving care for the elderly and vulnerable people in our society.

The care industry is massive and in the main receives pretty awful publicity - but I don't think we can only blame the care homes for this level of care. We should assume some responsibility for the poor care received in some residential environments because we don't do anything about it - and before you go ballistic; when you have read in the newspaper about baby P, or abuse in a nursing home, what have you actually done about it?

You have probably done the same as me, nothing. Until now. I invite comments from anybody that has an opinion on care homes in any form, let me know what you think - but if you have a complaint, suggest a remedy. Between us we might be able to come up with some answers and let's face it we won't know until we try and you never know where this blog might lead us.

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