Monday, 2 November 2009

Checklist: what to take when you move into a care home.

The first thing you need to know is that everything needs to be labelled - absolutely everything. Losing clothes or somebody else wearing your relatives clothes can be a big problem.

Most care homes suggest you take in enough underwear for several weeks, bear in mind space will be limited. A word about tights, they are difficult to get on and off if you are a little unsteady on your feet, consider pop socks.

-Everyday clothing.
Again think about how much space is available, the type of clothes your relative would normally wear and feel comfortable in and the general style of the other residents. Being over or under dressed can be embarrassing and make it difficult to fit in.
Care homes tend to be warm for us, but chilly if you are sitting for long periods, consider layers of various thicknesses - cardigans are always useful and easy to get on and off, enabling your relative to do dress without having to ask for help.

Shoes should be comfortable as they are likely to be worn most of the time when your relative is not in their room. Outdoor shoes and boots are unlikely to be used and take up a lot of space - perhaps store them on your relatives behalf. Other accessories, for example scarves should also be considered if they tend to form part of your relatives usual dressing habits.

- Jewellery.
Precious items for your relative should be taken into the home. However, valuable items may need to be considered separately. Have a word with the Matron or Manager and see what their policy is.

Clearly this is a personal issue, but you will need to take in all of the normal day to day toiletries. It is probably worth having a look in your relatives bathroom to make sure you know what brands they like - when you have been using Colgate toothpaste all of your life it's a bit much to be asked to switch to Macleans! It is also likely that you will be buying replacement toiletries, so it's quite useful to know what the brands are.

Keep an eye on how much space there is for potions and lotions and consider a wash bag that you can hang next to the sink with everything in it.

-Towels and Robes.
If you want your relative to use their own towels then its time to sew on more labels. Dressing gowns and slippers are a must.

How big the room is will be the governing factor here. Familiar items of furniture, tables, favourite chairs and cushions and paintings are all really important and will help your relative to feel at home. Do not underestimate the importance of photos as their link with the past and the present reinforce who we are and our sense of identity.

If space permits and I hope it does, then a TV in your room can be a godsend - you will need a TV licence though, this can be transferred from the old house, but don't forget to keep an eye on when it runs out.

A radio or music centre might be important to your relative, particularly if they have failing eyesight. Ask how they would normally spend their evenings and try to recreate that.

Knowing when somebody is going to call or it is time to go to lunch can be worrying if you don't know what the time is. Make sure the clock is large enough to tell the time - particularly if the numerals on a wrist watch are too small.

Keeping in touch without having to go via the Managers office can be important. Mobile phones are often either too small or too technological to be of use. Sometimes there is a telephone point in the room in which case you can use a land line. However, there is a new phone that has been developed that takes a sim card, looks like a normal phone, doesn't need any wiring and most importantly, if the handset isn't replaced it recognises that nobody is talking and hangs up for you - enabling the next call to get through, it's new so email me at if you would like more information.

Check your relatives bedside table for any current books they are reading and do bear in mind that books are like old friends, there may be others that they would wish to take - however many times they have read them. Don't forget newspapers.

Keeping track of time and marking birthdays and special events on a calendar, along with perhaps a supply of cards and stamps might be useful. Ask the Manager or Matron what the postal arrangements are.

-Phone numbers.
Don't forget the address book with all of the telephone numbers of friends.

Decide where the paperwork will be kept, either with your relative in a secure cupboard or depending upon their level of awareness with a relative.

Look around your relatives home - in particular the places where they spend a lot of time; their favourite chair, in bed, on the porch - what items surround them, it is these that are most likely to be missed. Try and take as many into their new home as your can.

I welcome any suggestions that will improve this checklist.