Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Caring for dementia.

It is estimated that over 700,000 people in the UK have dementia, with this figure to rise to a million within 20 years.  How can we help both the sufferer and the carers to maintain both a dignified and for as long as possible, an independent life?

I have been searching for products that will help anybody who is involved with or suffering from dementia and I would be grateful for your feedback, you can email me at

Keeping interested in hobbies can help with confidence and boredom;

- Reminiscence bingo
- Make a card
- Board games
- Knitting
- Gardening

Art and music has proved to be beneficial in recent studies;

- Music and audio books
- Your own TV
- Art prints
- Radio
- Headphones 
- Specialised picture books

Aids to help make life easier and more independent for you both;

- Wander alert
- Keeping keys safe
- Personal GPS
- Inflatable bath lift

For more information on gifts for residents of care homes click here.

I will keep searching for new technology and useful gadgets and will keep you informed.