Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Are you making the most of the internet?

During this time of change in health and social care public spending is likely to be reduced leading to cuts in funding. This leaves care homes trying to attract service users who are self funders and who currently number approximately 30% of those in care, although this figure is likely to rise.

At the present time there is very little information about how self funders find care. However, during 2007 90% of people in Britain, with access to the internet, searched for information about a product or service online - with a marked increase in the percentage of people searching for information relating to health.

Who makes the initial enquiry about care is often dictated by the type of care required, but if that enquiry is made by somebody of working age, 81% of whom have access to the internet, then statistically they are highly likely to have sourced their information online.

In addition to this, the more affluent the enquirer, the more likely it is that internet access is available at home.

There is therefore a clear link between self funders, their internet use and how they may search for care. A care home that does not have an online presence could easily be overlooked by this group of people.

Online directories and web sites offer easily accessible information and are rapidly taking the place of expensive paper brochures. The online directories in particular also allow independent homes to stand shoulder to shoulder with the larger care providers.

An impartial online register that has a personal approach is likely to attract the readers attention and create a level of trust in the information provided, such as linking to the CQC reports. Other additional benefits, such as Personal Recommendations can prove to be particularly helpful when making a shortlist of care homes to visit.

The larger care providers have for some time recognised the importance of an online presence and it is vital that independent homes, in order to compete in this changing market, promote themselves through online registers and make the most of the internet.

If you would like to take advantage of a free online website contact , submissions can be either online or by post.