Saturday, 10 October 2009

I was reading The Times last week and they were talking about private schools and the power of parents within the parent teachers association. It occured to me, that as far as I know we don't have an equivalent 'voice' within care homes.

I emailed the Residents and Relatives Association and asked them their view. The bottom line is that according to them, there is no requirement within the existing Care Quality Commission (CQC) regulations that stipulates or even suggests the existance of a 'relative carers association'. They went on to say that they thought the poorer care homes would avoid this avenue at all costs - I am sure they would.

So, if it works for schools, why wouldn't it work for care homes? I think one of the reasons schools get more support from parents is that they meet in the playground and become friends etc. and obviously this doesn't happen in a care home. But if the care home set up an online association for the relatives or residents to participate in, what a voice. Sharing problems, concerns and praise could benefit everybody involved - the residents, relatives and the staff.

If the care home won't or can't establish an online association what is to stop the residents creating their own? I don't see this as a vehicle for being negative about a care home, but as a drive towards improving what is wrong, praising what is going right and sharing information.

I am going to suggest this to some care homes and some relatives to see what the response is - I will let you know.

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